Mark Beylin is the lead Blockchain engineer on the HOW ARE WE project, bringing his years of experience writing smart contracts for the Ethereum blockchain to the world of art. Historically, his code has powered more than $1 million worth of transactions, mostly paying out funds to freelancers around the world as part of his work co-founding the Bounties Network (https://bounties.network). This exposed him to the incredible possibilities that blockchain technology offers in dis-intermediating the institutions that charge exorbitant fees on our everyday transactions. This is especially important for creators and artists, who are often taken advantage of when the time comes to make money off of their work.
Although he isn't an artist professionally, Mark considers himself a digital artist in the truest sense of the word: always looking for new ways to invoke deep feeling using even the most mundane of technologies. Mark has a breadth of experience in the arts, from his time spent performing at Canada's National Ballet School, to his years spent diving headfirst into graffiti, painting (with many mediums), and more recently, playing the saxophone.
He holds two bachelor’s degrees: in Computer Science from the University of Waterloo, and in Business Administration from Wilfrid Laurier University. Born and raised in Toronto, Canada, Mark now resides in Brooklyn, NY.
/ @markbeylin /